June 27, 2010

Stop 2: Emergency Training

This week my career train made a three day pit stop to refuel and stock up on supplies. By supplies I mean that I finally worked on my longtime goal to become certified as a CPR/AED/First Aid instructor with the American Red Cross. I am happy to report that I passed the class with flying colors, and the only thing I need to wait for is my authorized provider agreement.

After I sign the agreement, I will be authorized to teach a multitude of Red Cross Health and Safety classes through my own business. While there is not much money in this endeavor, I am excited that I will be able to train a class again. Of course the real reward is that the subject I’m teaching could help people save lives. As an adult trainer and teacher, there’s nothing more I could ask for that.

My freelance training project is going well, and I’m getting used to the particulars. Eventually, this project may develop into a performance consulting gig, so I’m very hopeful for the outcome.

Of course all this training took away from my other desires to write and to travel. About the only thing I’ve been able to write is this blog post and I’m now behind on several articles for other content sites.

In addition, I put an entire day of work on hold to assist a neighbor who lost all their belongings in a house fire. That’s the beauty of being the conductor of this train – I decide when and where to stop and where to go. My neighbors are o.k., but this experience has definitely reinforced the belief that life is short and we need to make the best of our time here on this earth.

Finally, I’m itching to travel to a destination outside of Vegas. While this internal journey is great, I know I also need to act on my desire to travel. So I booked a one way ticket to Reno on Wednesday, where I will meet my partner who is away on business. We’ll spend a couple of days working and traveling throughout northern Nevada before making the long drive home.

Can we say: Road trip! I really cannot wait for this change of scenery.

All aboard, everyone! This is going to be a great week.

June 22, 2010

Stop 1: The Little Engine That Could

Have you ever ridden on a train that gets off to a slow start, chugs along for a bit, runs out of steam, then stops with a screech?  That’s kind of what my week has been like.

Ever since I came up with the name for this blog, the train analogies have run amok in my head.  It’s fitting, really.  I’m just starting my quest for the dream career, and I got to thinking exactly what kind of train I’m on.

While others in life have been on the bullet train or steam engine, it seems at this point in life I can only compare myself to the tiny caboose that keeps running out of steam.  Because writer’s block plus procrastination plus fear plus a mild form of self-diagnosed ADD equals a poorly attended coal fueled engine. 

I started the week with my key in the ignition, yelling “All aboard!”  My intended destination goal was to catch up on my travel research, write at least 20 articles for online content, and figure out a training strategy. 

So how did I do? In the travel area, other than being on this virtual train ride through the blogosphere, I didn’t do so hot.  The farthest I got in my travel research was to put my travel newsletter emails into their specific folder.  Again.  Like I’ve been doing for the last six months. 

And while far from reaching my goal, I actually did accomplish quite a bit of writing last week.  As VP of Communications for the Las Vegas chapter of ASTD (American Society for Training & Development), I compiled, wrote articles, and distributed the bimonthly newsletter to our members.  I also wrote and published two articles for Examiner.com, three really short articles for Demand Studios, and one article for Associated Content.  Yeah, me. 

I also started this blog post, something I’m learning to do in a “Blogging for Bucks” class at the College of Southern Nevada.  While eventually I would like to make money blogging, I am content in the knowledge that this particular blog will hold me accountable during this quest.

This leads me to the progress on my training goal.  The week actually led me in a different direction than I had originally planned.  I came no where near to developing a strategy (also known as a business plan).  However, I received an opportunity to do some contract work through an ASTD connection.  The project will take 20-25 hours a week for a decent amount of money.  Thank goodness for networking.  Honestly, if you’re looking for work, forget the job-search engines on the Internet.  Join a professional organization and make connections.  I didn’t even have to interview, I was recommended.  It’s a beautiful thing.

And I’m still looking for fulltime work, only for ones that seem to be in line with my career goals.  It’s the never ending cycle of sending resumes and cover letters, but I’m confident that my skills will set me on the right track.

At this point I feel like the little engine that could.  I’m plodding along, saying to myself, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”

Except now, the mantra really needs to be:

“I know I can!”

June 12, 2010

The Journey Begins

In the year since I’ve been laid off, I’ve had time to conduct a lot of soul searching in order to answer the age old question: What exactly do I want to do with my life?

As it turns out, my answer is three-fold:

I want to travel.
I want to train.
I want to write.

So how exactly do I do this?  Therein lies my problem.

Don’t get me wrong - the possibilities are endless.  From travel writing to educational tours to training adults at the local college, I know there is a way for me to combine my three loves into the ultimate career.

However, I have a slight issue when it comes to putting plans in motion.  In other words, when coming up with an action plan for myself, I’m all plan and no action.

I’ve researched my route, bought my ticket, and now I’m standing on the platform.  So what’s preventing me from getting on the train?

It’s fear.  Fear of failure, fear of the rejection, fear of the unknown, and fear that I don’t have the slightest clue what I’m doing. 

In many ways, I feel like the character Marla in the movie A League of Their Own.  I’m waiting for Jon Lovitz’s character Ernie Capadino to snap at me:

“Are you coming? See, how it works is, the train moves, not the station!”

So I decided to start this blog, in hopes that you, my dear family, friends, colleagues, and visitors, will act as Ernie Capadino for me.  Each week I’ll post my progress in my quest to combine my love of travel, training & development, and writing.  I promise to tell you everything, to share in my successes and commiserate in my challenges. 

In return, I ask of you only one thing.

If I get off the train, tell me to get back on please.

And so off we go, the journey begins.