June 12, 2010

The Journey Begins

In the year since I’ve been laid off, I’ve had time to conduct a lot of soul searching in order to answer the age old question: What exactly do I want to do with my life?

As it turns out, my answer is three-fold:

I want to travel.
I want to train.
I want to write.

So how exactly do I do this?  Therein lies my problem.

Don’t get me wrong - the possibilities are endless.  From travel writing to educational tours to training adults at the local college, I know there is a way for me to combine my three loves into the ultimate career.

However, I have a slight issue when it comes to putting plans in motion.  In other words, when coming up with an action plan for myself, I’m all plan and no action.

I’ve researched my route, bought my ticket, and now I’m standing on the platform.  So what’s preventing me from getting on the train?

It’s fear.  Fear of failure, fear of the rejection, fear of the unknown, and fear that I don’t have the slightest clue what I’m doing. 

In many ways, I feel like the character Marla in the movie A League of Their Own.  I’m waiting for Jon Lovitz’s character Ernie Capadino to snap at me:

“Are you coming? See, how it works is, the train moves, not the station!”

So I decided to start this blog, in hopes that you, my dear family, friends, colleagues, and visitors, will act as Ernie Capadino for me.  Each week I’ll post my progress in my quest to combine my love of travel, training & development, and writing.  I promise to tell you everything, to share in my successes and commiserate in my challenges. 

In return, I ask of you only one thing.

If I get off the train, tell me to get back on please.

And so off we go, the journey begins.

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